Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Same Old Politics.. or is it?

Okay, so right now on the news, they're watching/debating the new senate bill that's being voted on today. The most prevalent aspect they're covering is the choice of Sen. Olympia Snowe. She's a republican from Maine and according to the pundits, 'her vote is going to make or break this bill.' She's under scrutiny because she is still undecided. Hold Up. She?? She's still undecided? How is that possible. She is a representative of the state of Maine, representing the will of the people she represents. Have I made my point clear? It's not up to her! It's up to the people and she should be voting to whatever the majority of the state desires! The state and people that she serves. Someone explain to me how we got this way? Has it always been like this??

When a government is no longer about the people, it's no wonder why our country is spiraling down the drain.

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