Tuesday, March 2, 2010

apply to write with us

we at the sieve are always looking for new talent.
we love the little community we’ve made amongst ourselves keeping us accountable to write and write and write until our fingers ache (or more likely in this digital age, crapal tunnel) but we want more.

more importantly we think we could use a female or two to help break up what is nearly a sausage fest here at the sieve. so.

if you are a woman. if you love poetry and things that look like poetry.
if you’d like a place to write with an already established audience (albiet not huge, but nonetheless).
if you’re willing to attempt 1 post per day (we don’t always succeed but that’s the goal) no matter how little you’re inspired on some days.

then join us.
send 5 sample poems to apply@sieveandsand.com

we’ll be accepting the two best poets who apply. applications will be accepted through march 10 at which time we will deliberate and let you know.

on behalf of all of us here at the sieve,
-roger mugs.

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