Wednesday, October 29, 2008

World Champs!

Phillies are the World Series Champions!!! 'Nuff said!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


So because Jason Bartlett of the Tampa Bay Rays stole a base during World Series game one, every person in America won a free taco from Taco Bell today. Well, I just drove by Taco Bell on my way back from the post office and all I have to say is, WOW. The place is packed! There were cars stuck in the parking lot because so many others had lined up behind drive through that there was no room to get out. This is at 2:30, not exactly a prime lunch or dinner hour, but man, people sure do love their free tacos followed by spending some quality time on the toilet. Bon Appetit!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Ten Things

I haven't been writing on here as much as I initially suspected I would. The set-up seemed much "cooler" and more refined, but it's tough adapting to a new system I suppose. There has been so much to write recently, yet I haven't had the motivation or time to get any of it down. There are two or three potential poems I have begun, but they remain unfinished as well as a great essay idea I've been conjuring up for the last week. The essay entails the title, 'The Ten Most Important Lessons I've Learned In Life,' or something to that affect. Basically describing the ten most substantial influences in my life to this point. I feel that it would be really interesting to write, not only from an outsiders perspective, but I believe that I may also gain some extremely eye-opening knowledge about myself. The most difficult process has been 1) finding the time, but 2) if I'm to find it, where to begin? These ten pieces require a lengthy duration of deliberation as I wouldn't want to make rash decisions on such monumental impacts. Maybe I just need to start instead of feeling too daunted to begin as that will surely get me no where. Hm, that last sentence could apply in many other areas of my life as well. That might well be one of the ten. Perfect!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008


Ever been curious where the TV channel came up with the name "Nickelodeon"? Well I did. I always thought it sounded cool, but didn't think it had any real origins. Alas, I was wrong! "Nickelodeons" were actually created by Thomas Edison. Say what!? They were those personal goggle looking contraptions that you click and they flash pictures that make up some sort of story. At the time, they didn't cost five bucks at K-Mart, and instead were extremely expensive so everyone paid a, go figure, nickel, to look inside. Who knew!? Why don't they teach us this stuff in elementary school? These are way cooler than a light bulb!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

We're The Only Ones In Our Right Mind

So I found out another interesting piece of information last night during the debates. (Which this blog seems to consist entirely of those nuggets.) Nevertheless, I discovered that all but three or four presidents have been left-handed.
Good or bad, that now gives McCain an edge in the presidential race because he's left handed. More importantly however, this means I should run for president!! And why not? So yeah, if anyone wants to begin making contributions to my campaign fund, I'm accepting all donations.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mispronounced Words 101

I'm sure everyone has heard of and/or used the word 'forte'. Am I right? Well as you may be accustomed to saying, "Such and such isn't exactly my for-tay" Yes? Well I have drastic news for, well, anyone who has ever used that word because you have been pronouncing it incorrectly as for-tay. It's a French word, with the root being fort or fortress, as in a strong point. Remember the days in first grade when we learned what 'silent E's' were. That's correct ladies and gents, forte is simply said as fort. Truly! Look it up.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So far this semester I can with beaming confidence claim that I have discovered and learned some rather interesting knowledge. Albeit, that knowledge is not what I would perceive as beneficial to excelling in my courses. Today's tid-bit comes from Electronic Media. A class that it an enormous waste of my hard earned money, yet required to attain my degree.
Broadcasting; The term broadcasting, which we all know is commonly associated with TV, Radio, and other forms of media has its original roots in farming. Broadcasting was coined by farmers when technological advancements allowed the tilling of soil and planting of seeds at at high efficiency. The idea of broadcasting meant to sow(cast) seeds over a large(broad) expanse of land at one time.

Just in case you were feverishly searching for a topic that would make you look cool a party, I've got you covered. And you're welcome.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Greg Laurie

I went to the Harvest Crusade tonight, where Greg Laurie was speaking and it was phenomenal. I didn't think I was going to be able to a single one(there's three this weekend). Yet now, I want to attend all of them if I can. I now feel so compelled to bring someone else and just let the God speak to their hearts, I'm really excited. Can you tell?

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


The Senate bill has passed! Now we can all fork over thousands of dollars to the government! Hip-hip, Hurray! Hip-hip, Hurray! (And since three's a charm) Hip-hip, Hurray!

Anyone else a wee bit weary on this whole bailout shenanigans? Did you know that although our paper money is "backed" by gold, allegedly, all that gold no longer exists? Apparently, we've sold it all to foreign countries, which prompts the question, what exactly this now 850 billion dollars being "backed" by? Counterfeit anyone? Real fake money.