Wednesday, December 17, 2008


I was bored, so I stole the Xanga 'featured question' and I'm posting it on here. FQ: "What holidays traditions do you have or want to start?"

Well, lets see, first I'm going to limit it only to Christmas traditions. By saying holiday, technically I could include every single holiday throughout the entire year, so lets refrain from that. Done.
First part of the question: My family has a few holiday traditions. Every year the weekend after Thanksgiving we all go out as a family to purchase our Christmas tree. I actually mentioned this a few weeks ago when we did get our tree. Upon cutting the tree down, my brother and I drag the tree from where it was felled to the car. This has been going on since I was like... three? I have home movies to prove it. I must say, the whole draggin' bit has gotten a lot easier since I was a toddler. Anyhow, there's that.
Another tradition is that on Christmas Eve, we always stay home, and have a family devotion together. This is our attempt at maintaining focus on the real reason why we celebrate Christmas. This includes, of course, reading the Christmas story. As embedded as it is in our heads and culture, it's not bad doing an annual refreshing. Once that's concluded we all open one small gift as an appetizer until morning. Then, on Christmas morning, we don't barge down the stairs and proceed to tear apart the living room. There's a process! Only one gift is opened at a time. This goes in order, even Mom and Dad have to wait their turn! Doing this allows us all to savor the moment, and even draw it out for significantly longer than if we quickly unwrapped everything before falling asleep in the mountains of wrapping paper. Which, by the way, is yet another, albeit, unofficial tradition of mine.

I just answered this Featured Question; you can answer it too!

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