Sunday, June 28, 2009

Power Naps, Part 2

I'll guess that in... November, I posted a lament about my incapacity to take effective power naps. Not only could I not convince myself to sleep for 15-20 minutes and then immediately get up....leading to three hour naps, but I also couldn't prove if 15-20 minute power naps even worked. Of course, this was because I couldn't get up. It's a chicken/egg situation.

Well I have news! My ways have changed, if only momentarily! In the last week, I've managed to successfully sleep for 15-20 minutes, awaking when that time has expired to astounding results!!!! They do work! I only received four hours of sleep on Friday night into Saturday and with a fifteen minute power nap was able to continue going strong, with no drowsiness until three o'clock Sunday morning. That's a feat in a my book!

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