Monday, January 9, 2012

4 Real

So I'm posting, can you believe it? Not that I have anything necessarily, but I still felt the urge. This could be promising. More so, and more likely so, this post is stemming from my desire, albeit unfruitful desire, to keep a more person journal - diary if you will - which chronicles a variety of my midday meanderings as well as my time with God, what he's speaking, what he's leading me in. In other words, it wouldn't be a public journal and certainly not one online, but this is what I have to work with currently.

That said, I also would really like to start writing more consistently again solely for writing's sake. I'm in the process of putting together edition #2 of my second poetry collection, entitled "Things Considered" which I'm hoping will provide a much needed spark. I could post some of my thoughts concerning poetry, little pithy witticisms like, "Poetry is a communal activity, because meaning is found in discussing it" but I won't. Other than that one.

There's really a lot going on in life, much of which I'm thoroughly thrilled about, or at the very least is worthy of some degree of note, but I don't feel as compelled to pull it apart by writing about it. This I suppose, has to change if I ever plan to succeed in maintain an effective daily journal.

I think I'm finished now.


Okay then.

Be back in like 7 months.

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