Monday, February 6, 2012

Christ is Our Example

We have a tendency of looking at our lives and comparing them to Jesus in the wrong way. We say, “he was God and because of that we can never actually expect to be just like him.” But if we give him his divinity without his humanity, we have taken away very purpose in his coming. If we only aspire to be like a Godly man or woman, we, in our imperfection are still pursuing imperfection and that will never achieve absolute oneness in the perfection to which we have been called—he must be our ultimate aspiration! No, none of us can remain sinless, but what still remains is the example of what sinlessness looks like and it should be our every striving to obtain it. Were it not, there was no reason for God to manifest himself as a man “we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet was without sin”(Hebrews 4:15). His humanity said 'I am like you,' and his divinity said ‘all things are possible.’ This does not negate the necessity of Godly examples and leaders in our lives, they are also vital, but we cannot stop there. If we settle on a man, we have instantaneously fallen short and found severely lacking. By man we go from imperfection to imperfection, but by Christ we go from glory to glory. We must be Christ’s protégé foremost, because his example will never be wrong.

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