Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Cage Match

Tonight's highly anticipated battle is upon us! The fight for the ages: Resemblance vs. Semblance!

Yeah. Seriously. This has been bothering me. What's the difference between Resemblance and Semblance? Anyone, anyone? I use them interchangeably in my speech and writing and haven't had any issues doing so. The "re-" prefix is the only visual difference and yet it still doesn't appear to have any effect on differentiating the words. I've conducted minor research, AKA, looking up the definitions, which still hasn't helped. I need someone who's well versed in language and etymologies. The only sliver of variation I can find is that semblance would indicate "a return to what originally was" whereas resemblance indicates "a likeness to something independent of that which is being compared" HOWEVER note that I used a RE-turn in my definition of semblance, which is essentially adding the re- prefix onto semblance anyhow! Maybe I'm wrong and the definitions are the exact opposite, but I'm back tracking again to say it would suggest redundancy to say "return to resemblance".

It's fair to suppose I'm in a state of lunacy that I would be concerned with a trivial matter such as this, but nevertheless(also redundant but that's a topic for another time) now you have some insight into the current quagmire I find myself. Help! Anyone help?

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