Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Since in the last three weeks to a month, this blog has also been reduced to a weekly post(albeit a much less lengthy and far less involving), I wanted to point out again, what a comprehensive loser I am. Also, I wanted to update as to not let it get too much longer than a week since my last update. I need an "update app" from my cell or something. Unfortunately, I don't own an iphone or this would easily be accomplished; whenever a random "I should put this in my blogger blog" idea pops into my head I could immediately type it on there. But since I don't own an iphone nor do I want/predict myself attaining one anytime in the near future, I'll have to reluctantly accept my inability to update regularly.

Fortuitously, I was mulling over the particular current events of the nursing home shootings in North Carolina when it hit me: Why am I not discussing this via blog? So now I will.

The idea that had been central to my contemplations is of course, the shooting. However, my own reaction to the shootings is what had me both chiefly intrigued and perturbed. Unlike most catastrophes, mass murders, and other atrocities, I wasn't a state of utter horror, grief, and woe. My only reaction was puzzled response of: "Uh, what? He did what?" And then I asked, "Why?" But not a cry of pity and pain, Oh why, why! No. It was literally a question to him. Like, "Dude, the frick?" Why on earth would you do that?" I no longer seem to possess feelings of remorse for these types of tragedies because they're so bizarre more than anything. Foremost, as a result of these musings, I was reminiscent of a post someone else posted on their Xanga blog a couple months ago referencing our desensitization as a society; the concept of becoming numb and/or calloused to disaster, heartbreak, and the perennial occasions of people just "snapping".
Now that I have a minimal foundation out there, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. This whole idea has really been bugging me. I feel modestly better just getting it out, but I wonder if I'm not alone. I didn't anticipate this exceeding more than a paragraph either , so dependent upon my lack of worthy topics for Xanga this week, I may repost. But I guess my purpose in mentioning all this, if there is one, is that the end of the world must be near. When we no longer have feelings, it's hard to believe that people can go on living much longer as emotionless androids with flesh.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Invariably while in bed this week, I was thinking; if I ever do go anywhere(When! Speak Positive!) with my writing, I’ll never be able to do the cool writer thing. Say what? The first two names as only initials and then the last name spelled out thing: C.S. Lewis, H.G. Wells, W.S. Merwin, H.P Lovecraft, J.K. Rowling, E.E. Cummings, JRR Tolkien, J.D. Salinger, you get the point. This would not work out for two reasons. The first is that all of the above are incredibly talented and renowned writers. Aspiring to their level would be ambitious but unlikely to be fulfilled. The second and more important issue is my initials. BSH. Let's break it down so you can see the true fault: B.S. Hartman. Hm, hm? Anyone seeing why that wouldn't be a good idea? Yeah, you know, the whole… BS thing?? Yeah, thought so. Readers picking up my book and the first thing they notice other than the title is that the author is BS? I just can't see that boding well. So much for that notion.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


Kind of! ...not really. Indirectly?

Guess who I hung out with on Thursday night?? Hm, hm! Guess! (btw, this is what I couldn't remember and now did.) Well if you say someone famous, you'd be right. Wanna know?

Kirstin Dunst! Yep, that's right, I frickin' hung out at a bar with Kirstin-freakin-Dunst!

...wait, no. No, I didn't. I hung out with her boyfriend. Shush! It's close enough!! And I really did. I hung out with Kirstin Dunst's boyfriend at the North Star Bar on Thursday. I went to see his band, Razorlight play there. Since he dates Dunst, and I hung out with him, by transitive theory, I'm now basically famous. You should probably get my autograph.

P.S. After seeing him, as far as looks go, I'm wondering why I'm not her boyfriend? Just sayin'...

Friday, March 13, 2009


I had something I was rather excited to blog about earlier. Now, as I sit down in front of my computer rearin' to go; I have forgotten. Blast!!

I can't write enough down. Stuff still slips my mind. Watch too, as soon as I publish this post, I'll remember.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

On Watching the Watchmen

...which technically answers the 'Who Watches The Watchmen?' question right?

So yeah, went to see Watchmen on Saturday with Noah and my sister. Leading up to it, and including opening night(which was Friday) I was hearing reviews. These reviews didn't seem too pleasing. In fact, they trashed the movie, calling it terrible. Well after it being such a great book I was disappointed by all the negativity surrounding the movie. Nevertheless, I had to see it for myself, and I have this to say:

What the heck were all those bad reviews about!? The movie was great. So often when novels are made into movie, there's so many liberties taken that by the time the end product is reached, the movie has hardly any semblance of its prior form. Watchmen followed the book very closely. Dialogue was piece by piece from the novel, even camera angles were almost exact. I don't understand where the issue of a 'terrible movie' arose other than this: Either the reviewers and average movie goers alike didn't read the movie. Thus because the story is complex they weren't able to fully comprehend it. Or, they still didn't read the book, and went into the movie thinking it was a run-of-the-mill, cookie cutter "Super Hero" movie. Which in reality, Watchmen is the antithesis of that!

I had only one and half criticisms about the movie. 1) The sex scene with Nite Owl and Silk Spectre was so incredibly... excessive. There are plenty of ways to imply that a certain act has occurred(like the book did) without making a two minute display of it. Ironically, much of the theme Watchmen is built upon is America's fascination with sex and immorality... and that scene proved it! ::Sigh:: So that definitely tainted it. 2) And this really isn't much a criticism, but they didn't include 'The Black Freighter' side story. Really, this would have been impossible and the movie was already almost three hours, adding that would be impossible. Plus, they're releasing it separately so I'm thrilled about that.

Final thoughts? I liked the movie. Was the book 10x better? Yes it was. There was so much more dark humor in the book that wasn't included or not understood by the audiences in the movie. There were definitely some other scenes that were left out, which is logical, but they didn't add much in, so I commend them for that. All in all, if I can purchase the 'clean' version as it relates to the aforementioned scene, it would be worth... watching.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I have to post because it's March. Truly, I think that's the only reason. Also, no one reads this so therefore I can write whatever I want. Yay. OK then. Mission accomplished.

Man I suck.