Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Since in the last three weeks to a month, this blog has also been reduced to a weekly post(albeit a much less lengthy and far less involving), I wanted to point out again, what a comprehensive loser I am. Also, I wanted to update as to not let it get too much longer than a week since my last update. I need an "update app" from my cell or something. Unfortunately, I don't own an iphone or this would easily be accomplished; whenever a random "I should put this in my blogger blog" idea pops into my head I could immediately type it on there. But since I don't own an iphone nor do I want/predict myself attaining one anytime in the near future, I'll have to reluctantly accept my inability to update regularly.

Fortuitously, I was mulling over the particular current events of the nursing home shootings in North Carolina when it hit me: Why am I not discussing this via blog? So now I will.

The idea that had been central to my contemplations is of course, the shooting. However, my own reaction to the shootings is what had me both chiefly intrigued and perturbed. Unlike most catastrophes, mass murders, and other atrocities, I wasn't a state of utter horror, grief, and woe. My only reaction was puzzled response of: "Uh, what? He did what?" And then I asked, "Why?" But not a cry of pity and pain, Oh why, why! No. It was literally a question to him. Like, "Dude, the frick?" Why on earth would you do that?" I no longer seem to possess feelings of remorse for these types of tragedies because they're so bizarre more than anything. Foremost, as a result of these musings, I was reminiscent of a post someone else posted on their Xanga blog a couple months ago referencing our desensitization as a society; the concept of becoming numb and/or calloused to disaster, heartbreak, and the perennial occasions of people just "snapping".
Now that I have a minimal foundation out there, I'm not entirely sure what to do with it. This whole idea has really been bugging me. I feel modestly better just getting it out, but I wonder if I'm not alone. I didn't anticipate this exceeding more than a paragraph either , so dependent upon my lack of worthy topics for Xanga this week, I may repost. But I guess my purpose in mentioning all this, if there is one, is that the end of the world must be near. When we no longer have feelings, it's hard to believe that people can go on living much longer as emotionless androids with flesh.

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