Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Cover Up?

If this is true, which I'm not certain it is, but if, this could be earth-shattering. Although I'm wondering, if it isn't in fact a fallacy, is the media then covering it up? Okay, so get this:

There was a rumor prior to the election that Barack Obama was not a natural born citizen and therefore could not be elected President. Well, most snickerings of that were dismissed as conspiracy theories from someone who just didn't want Obama as President.


Apparently, a Supreme Court judge has issued an order to the Democratic party that Obama must present his official birth certificate by December 15th. Previously, he had shown suspect copies of his birth certificate, and now the judge has ordered the real deal. Is it possible was born in Kenya? Do we have an illegitmate president!? And here's the real kicker; 1) If he wasn't born in the US this country and is banned from being president, there will be riots! And 2) that means another election is held, George Bush will mantain his presidency postion.. which will result in even more riots!

Take a second to let that think in.


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