Friday, November 14, 2008


Something random I was thinking about today at work(when isn't it?): Well wait, let me preface first; yesterday I went out to lunch with some of the guys and bought a fountain mountain dew soda in a paper cup. Then today at work I bought soda in a can instead. As I was drinking it I realized, "this doesn't taste nearly as good as it's sugary counterpart that I had yesterday." So why the disparity? Is fountain soda just better? Is it the can that somehow dilutes the taste? Is it all in my head? And even after this conclusion, I came home and had another fountain soda out of a cup, and it tasted great again! (Side note: Why am I not obese!?) It seems as if all I've been doing the last week is bringing up asinine topics(and drinking soda) and then just asking equally asinine questions concerning them to which no answers will be determined. Ugh, man, I need to go jogging or something.

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