Saturday, February 28, 2009


After 13 amazing years, half of which I wasn't even watching football, Brian Dawkins is no longer a Philadelphia Eagle. I'll be honest, I'm genuinely upset by this. No, seriously, I might cry at some point. I was positive that the Eagles would sign him back this year, based on his wishes to end his career as an Eagle, and the club appeared to have the intent of doing so. Philly offered him a small contract, but apparently Denver's was exceedingly better, and today he signed with the Bronco's. A couple other Eagles have been trading and well, that's fine, because they weren't the heart and soul of this team. Dawkins however, was, and it really saddens me to see him leave. Boy, the draft pick we get for this better be one heck of a player.

Ugh. So it goes.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


As in, I'm torn between a choice. Kind of.

I found this new band via some random persons music player on Xanga. Yeah, sorry Anyway, the band had this LinkinPark-esque sound and while I'm not an enormous fan of their music, it merited further research.

Well the band is called Hollywood Undead. They're music is great. They Rap, Sing, and Scream, pretty much all in the same song(every song). Which is totally cool. As much as I normally have a disdain for rap, these guys make it work. Unfortunately, as in much of rap, the lyrics are, well, explicit? Like, really really really. So much so that even the "Clean" versions sound filthy. Yeah. Luckily, of the 4/5 songs I really like, they're probably the least explicit. But the question is this: Because I like them, should I disregard that they've disregarded any sense of censorship? Or should I stay away from music so violent and negative for its majority? ..or something.

So if you want to look them up, just be warned.

I think I might get the clean versions of the songs I like, that seems like an acceptable compromise right?

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Sunday Discoveries

I may have said this before, but I wanted to elaborate. There's a Christian metal band I like called "Oh Sleeper". The name by itself sounds kind of odd and for two reasons I can think of immediately. 1) "I don't get it? What does the mean? And why is there an 'Oh' in it. That's weird." 2) There isn't much about metal music that makes you sleepy. It's probably difficult to dose off while someone is rocking out as hard as they do.

Luckily, I have answers!! It's part of a scripture from the bible!

Ephesians 5:14 "for it is light that makes everything visible. This is why it is said: 'Wake up, O sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you.'"

Wow! A Christian band with a name inspired by the bible, but not only that: They model their entire lyrical theme towards that end. All their lyrics contain references to finding light, waking up, spiritual warfare and rising from the dead. How cool is that??

Friday, February 20, 2009


(It's been a week. Slacking as usual. Time for an update.)

So I was at Rutger's visiting friends this week. As we were driving around I noticed a lot of on-campus construction taking place and asked them about it. Well one of the buildings was a new visitors center(nothing's wrong with the old one.), another was a gargantuan fountain, and the last a 300 person or so amphitheater. Why all this renovation you ask? As explained by school bulletins and the like, because Rutgers' football team has been doing so well the past couple years there have been many more people coming to the school. Also last year, the school built a multi-million dollar weight room for football players only and a 40 million dollar addition is being added to the stadium. That being the case, "we want the school to look aesthetically pleasing."
Meanwhile, tuition for next year has risen significantly and all the buses enabling students to get to class have been cut. There weren't enough as it was, and I can personally vouch for that. Now, as much as I love football, can someone tell me exactly what is wrong with this picture?? I'd have to say it's punching you in the face right now. Where the heck are the priorities???? Why is this "university" more concerned about sports and notoriety than being an institution of higher learning. Why are they forgetting about it's purpose of education?

I think this applies universally to schools across the nation. And frankly, it's pitiful. No wonder our country is collectively going down the drain.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Thirteen and Fourteen

It's Friday the 13thhhh owwhhhH!!! Scary. Yeah, totally.

That's not why I'm posting this however. I'm posting in lieu of tomorrow. Yes, Valentines. I think because I have a sort of kind of Valentines this year I just wanted to reinforce my hatred of the last minute gifts and their overall cliche and tacky nature.

Chocolate. I hate it. Every guy who goes an hour before his date and buys a giant heart shaped Russel Stover box, should be shot. No questions asked. That's more blunt than saying, "I either completely forgot or I really just don't care about you at all." The devils advocate of this is that women LOVE chocolate. BUT we must remember it's still candy. Women are weight consciousness and this will not help that issue.

Teddy Bears/Stuff Animals. Really Pretty much just repeat everything I just said. Minus the gain weight part and add WHAT THE HECK ARE THEY GOING TO DO WITH A CHEAPY CORNY LOOKING TEDDY BEAR THAT SAYS IN GIANT BOLD LETTERS "I WUV U!"!?!?

Enormous/gaudy/overly sappy cards. Basically, because you don't have anything sincere or endearing to say to your significant other, you depend on a card to do it for you. Grow a pair and write something nice. And another thing, singing cards are a no. Cards as big as a piece of paper and larger, also a no. Crazy glitter everywhere(are you giving this to a 14 year old?) A no! Get something classy, with a central theme of your affection and appreciate and expound upon it.

The ironic thing is that because it's men buying these, their not even creative enough to have a large selection of really bad gifts. That's really it, and yet they rear their ugly/tacky/sappy/thoughtless heads and plague us once again. I'm not even a women and this hurts. ::sigh:: I truly feel bad for some of you ladies out there.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two Days In A Row

Yes, that's right.

And... crap.

I'm breaking my streak. I think. Details later.

Does this even count as a post??

Ah Crap

Crap. Crap. Crap. And the occasion that causes me to have this crapola moment is for two reasons. So maybe just crap-crap.

1. I haven't written on here in a long time. Which is well, not news. I just cannot seem to find worthwhile topics/time/escape from my sloth to create more entries. For that, I apologize.

2. Second reasons is this: In the beginning of September, I quit poker. From addict to zilch. I'm not sure I've so much as picked up a poker chip since then. That has been an amazing feeling for me. Especially when people say, ah man..Brandon hurm hurm... something something poker. And go "Umm yeah, I don't play anymore, haven't since September." And I watch their unbelieving draws drop. Yet, it is truth, and I like seeing that happen. It's oddly satisfying. Well, tomorrow is Steve's birthday: He and Pat are going to A.C. to play in a tournament. I have been invited. I have work and can't go. Phew, no pressure right? Oh wait, I asked someone thinking they would say, ah sorry can't. Good, wouldn't have to. But NO! They said yes. Frick. Do I go!?!? Do I risk losing all the self.. self something that I've gained by proving that I could quit and directing my life in a better direction? Do I!!!??! Man I wish more people read this so I could get legitimate feedback.

Monday, February 2, 2009

On Fans

By fans, I mean, watchers of sports, not wind-making-machines. Since the Super Bowl was last night, I've concluded something about fans. (And since it would be out of season to discuss it later) When the camera men pan to groups of fans during atheletic contests, the fans always become rabidly excited and cheer. The problem I've realized is the type of cheering that takes place. It does not matter the sport, there are three activities that take place: 1) "We're number one!!!!"-while holding up there pointer finger, even if in fact their team is the Detroit Lions. 2) "WOOOO!!! YEAH!! WOOOO!!!" and 3) Grabbing and vigorously shaking their teams respective jersey.

The reason I bring this up is because I think something needs to change. After a while, like anything else, that sort of becomes old and mundane. We as fans, need to come up with some better ways of expressing our jubilation about both being on TV and supporting our teams.