Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Ah Crap

Crap. Crap. Crap. And the occasion that causes me to have this crapola moment is for two reasons. So maybe just crap-crap.

1. I haven't written on here in a long time. Which is well, not news. I just cannot seem to find worthwhile topics/time/escape from my sloth to create more entries. For that, I apologize.

2. Second reasons is this: In the beginning of September, I quit poker. From addict to zilch. I'm not sure I've so much as picked up a poker chip since then. That has been an amazing feeling for me. Especially when people say, ah man..Brandon hurm hurm... something something poker. And go "Umm yeah, I don't play anymore, haven't since September." And I watch their unbelieving draws drop. Yet, it is truth, and I like seeing that happen. It's oddly satisfying. Well, tomorrow is Steve's birthday: He and Pat are going to A.C. to play in a tournament. I have been invited. I have work and can't go. Phew, no pressure right? Oh wait, I asked someone thinking they would say, ah sorry can't. Good, wouldn't have to. But NO! They said yes. Frick. Do I go!?!? Do I risk losing all the self.. self something that I've gained by proving that I could quit and directing my life in a better direction? Do I!!!??! Man I wish more people read this so I could get legitimate feedback.

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